3 Inexpensive Ways To Spruce Up Your Front Door

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Learning About The Three Divisions Of Construction

My name is Michael Jones and this blog focuses on the three divisions of construction. Building construction is what most people are familiar with and this consists of the building of homes and businesses. Industrial construction is the operation of erecting manufacturing plants and refineries. Infrastructure is another type of construction that focuses on the building of large projects, such as bridges and dams. I became interested in this subject many years ago after I watched a television documentary about construction. Since then, I've done a lot of research to learn everything I can about the various types of construction. If this topic also interests you, you'll find out a lot of information by reading this blog.


3 Inexpensive Ways To Spruce Up Your Front Door

4 February 2015
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

It has often been said that home is where the heart is, and most people truly view their homes as a sanctuary. If you are finding that your home's entryway doesn't evoke the serenity you are looking for, giving your door a face-lift could be the answer.

Here are 3 simple (and affordable!) ways to update the look of your entryway door.

1. Use A Power Washer

Being exposed to the elements around the clock can really take a toll on the appearance of your entryway door. One of the easiest ways to freshen up the look of your door is to give it a good cleaning.

Using a power washer to clean off caked on dirt and debris is a simple way to spruce up your home. And, since you can rent a power washer from your local hardware store for about $60 a day, it's an affordable way to breathe new life into your entryway door.

2. Apply New Paint

If your entryway door receives a lot of sunlight, the paint color could fade over time. By spending anywhere from $20 to $55, you can purchase a gallon of exterior paint from your local hardware store.

Invest in a roller with a very smooth polyester/wool blend cover and a little elbow grease, and you can refresh the appearance of your home in just a few hours by applying a fresh coat of paint.

3. Install New Hardware

If you feel that your entryway door is looking a little dated, updating its hardware could be an affordable solution. With so many different types of knobs and hinges available on the market today, it is important that you invest some time into selecting the right hardware for your door.

Before purchasing new knobs, be sure that you are taking the style of your home and the decor on display in your entryway into consideration. Installing a contemporary knob on traditional door will look out of place, so select a knob that is consistent in both color and style to the exterior of your home.

Many homeowners shy away from home improvement projects because they don't want the headache or expense traditionally associated with these types of tasks. By choosing to use a power washer, apply a fresh coat of paint, or replace the hardware on your entryway door, you can achieve a dramatic improvement in your home's appearance without draining your bank account. If you want to accomplish other home renovation projects, contact a local contractor, such as Bonvanie Construction Ltd.